Nebraska Public School Advantage News

Nebraska Public School Advantage News

By Tyler Dahlgren Every story has a start. Downtown Potter is relatively quiet on this wind-whipped Friday morning in October. School’s not in session, having wrapped up the first quarter the day before. Besides a few locals shooting the breeze outside of The Potter Sundry, where the famous Tin Roof Sundae was invented, the scene is comfortingly calm and plucked straight from a small town...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren If you’re lucky enough to take a tour of the brand new and quite dazzling Beatrice Elementary, you’d be doing yourself a favor by taking the following three tips to heart. First off, allot more time than you’d think you’d need. For many years, Beatrice’s elementary students were scattered across town in four different buildings that deserved their retirement, if you catch my...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren It’s mid-morning on a crisp Friday in October and Wilber-Clatonia superintendent Justin Petersen sits down at his desk, grinning ear-to-ear. It’s not uncommon for Petersen’s mornings to put him in one of these moods. He’s intentional about spending the first couple of hours of each day out and about, spending time with teachers and kids, and, aside from developing relationships...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Room 109 flanks the entrance to Central Elementary in Fairbury, an unassuming space that has housed study halls and make-up exams in years past. The small room blended in quite ordinarily with all the rest, rarely drawing as much as a second glance from passers-by. As Kim Roberts was preparing for her first year as principal of Central Elementary this past summer, she did...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren There’s career fairs, and then there’s the Highway 91 Career Fair. Pride runs thick along the 32-mile stretch of highway connecting the small, charming towns of Humphrey, Leigh, Clarkson, Howells and Dodge. So, too, do opportunities, as evident by the 100 local businesses and organizations that spent last Wednesday with 330 students from five high schools. “I had no idea what I...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren The lunch rush is coming. If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant, you know that it always is. Preparation is half the battle, the foundation to a successful day, and there’s not a minute to spare. The kitchen at Great Western Dining on the campus of Southeast Community College in Beatrice operates like a well-oiled machine. You don’t just earn 4.7 stars on Google without a high...Read More
*This is a guest piece from Grand Island Public Schools Communications Specialist Kelli Mayhew GRAND ISLAND (Neb.) — The classroom grew from desks to barns and sunshine for over 700 third graders at Grand Island Public Schools, as they explored the state’s largest classroom that is the Nebraska State Fair. Third grade classes from Engleman Elementary and Jefferson Elementary, among others, were...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren More than 220 educators from six Southwest Nebraska districts gathered in McCook Thursday morning for ESU 15’s Fall Kickoff, an annual daylong workshop with a rotating theme. This year’s event came a few days before schools across the state welcomed students back into their buildings, and there was a tangible buzz in a packed E-Free Church. “We’re all excited, because there’s a...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren A paintbrush hanging from her right hand, senior Elizabeth Bray stands at the foot of an undeniably pink square of pavement and admires a 2010 Honda Odyssey that’ll call this space home from now through May. “That’s my minivan,” Bray nods with jest. “That’s Betsy. Two-hundred-thousand miles and still going strong. She’s reliable.” Betsy’s new spot is one of 122 colorfully-...Read More
By Tyler Dahlgren Clare Willis is entering her senior year at Shelby-Rising City High School, where she golfs and participates in One-Act, band, choir, Student Council and National Honor Society. Yes, Willis wears many hats, but there’s only one that makes her shake her head and laugh. “I’m the mascot for Homecoming, like the actual person inside the husky suit,” she admits with a slight touch of...Read More
